
Bowling anyone?    My friends, parents and I like to go bowling.    We've been a couple times.    Vince, mom and I decided that if we were going to keep bowling, then we'd get our own bowling balls.    Well, we have our own gear (and it's helping a little, but not that great yet). :)

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Maggie's up. - "Please get a strike."

Tess is up and looking very

Mom's up.    Can she get a strike?    I think
she's gonna make it.

Vince is up.    I think he's
gonna get a spare this time.

Claire - "I know I can get a spare."

Karen - "Ouch, that hurt."

Vince, Karen and Claire just hanging out while
waiting for our turn to bowl.

Julie bowling while Barb, Claire, Karen and
Vince cheer her on.

Vince - "No, you need to go
THAT way!"

Mike, Vince, Karen, Barb and Julie waiting to
bowl.    That means Claire must be up.

Mike - "Yessss".

Julie's up again.    Claire, Karen, Barb, Vince
and Mike cheer her on again.

Who's up?    Julie, Claire, Karen, Barb, and Mike
are watching, so I guess that means Vince is up.

Carriann is up.

Lee is up and being silly again.    Oops, she's
over the line (again).

Carriann, Vince, Barb, Karen and Sidar.

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Last Updated: January 9, 2005